Sunday, April 28, 2019

Shine the Light by April McGowan

Book Description

Shannon is out to save the world one caring act at a time. She's stood by her best friend, Amber, through their whole lives especially when Amber lost her sight. She has an active outreach ministry to the homeless and disenfranchised. And she's even let down her guard long enough to let a boyfriend, Justin, into her life.
Her life has settled into a pleasing routine of teaching, freelance photography work, quiet dinners with Justin, and taking Amber on treks to find new subjects for her visionary paintings.

But when a man from her past shows up, her secure world crumbles into triggered PTSD episodes that threaten everything she relies on. Will she be able to overcome these old memories, or will her past crush any hopes she had for a future?

My thoughts:

I loved meeting the characters in Hold the Light the first book in the series so naturally I was anxious to reconnect with them in Shine the Light. I wasn't sure that it would be possible to love the authors writing and her unique characters more than I already did but boy did she prove me wrong!

The friendship between Amber and Shannon is as strong as ever but this book focuses less on their daily interactions with each other and more on Shannon and her outreach to the homeless and less fortunate in her city. I have to admit that I am not nearly as brave as she was but I have to admire and respect anyone that tenacious. I have had a soft spot for her because of the difficult life that she has led by being in foster care and not having a proper home of her own. No matter what has happened in her past Shannon's faith is strong which she needs more than ever as she runs into some pretty dicey and dangerous situations.

Which brings me to Justin who is definitely a hero if only Shannon can to learn to trust his pure love for her and come to terms with her past as she encounters a man who she never thought she would see again. Ms. McGowan touches on some very difficult topics such as homelessness, PTSD, but she shines the light on these and other issues quite beautifully. I became caught up in the lives of Shannon, Justin, their family and their friends. The message of love, forgiveness and faith are woven throughout this book which is why I highly recommend it.

I received a copy from the publisher but was under no obligation to post a review. All opinions are my own.

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