Sunday, May 26, 2019

Leaving Darkness by Greg Schaffer

Book Description

Long-haul truck driver Lowell Ferguson is on the brink of suicide. He is haunted by the guilt of a horrible secret from his senior year of high school. Therapy and antidepressants aren’t able to lift him out of depression. At twenty-eight years old, he believes his life has dissolved into a meaningless annoyance. Only the strong bond with his lone friend—a Chihuahua named Rufus—keeps him from choosing death. But when Lowell learns Rufus may have cancer, he fears there will be no reason left to live if his beloved dog dies.

My thoughts:

I went outside of my comfort zone by reading this which I rarely do but I'm pleased with the decision I made because it was a story of forgiveness and letting go of the past.  I wasn't sure I would connect with any of the characters at first but found myself liking and understanding Lowell as the story progressed.

This isn't an easy read due to the subject matter but it's an interesting read. The characters are undoubtedly flawed but Lowell became likable to me and that is due to his love of his dog Rufus.  I have always thought if any human being loves and cares for an animal they must have some redeeming qualities.  I liked that Lowell was willing to take responsibility and seek forgiveness for something he was involved in as a teen.  As much as I grew to admire Lowell, I became less fond of his friend Alan which is how the author wrote his character.

Overall, I liked the personal growth of Lowell and the path he chose to take.  His journey wasn't an easy one but it was one built on faith and I think they are the most important ones to take.  I thought the storyline was interesting and some of the secondary characters were likable.

I received a complimentary copy of Leaving Darkness and have given my honest opinion.

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